New Month, New You

To all of our Stance readers, Happy March 1st!
Although the happy feelings of Valentine’s Day are over, that doesn’t mean that we can’t continue showing our love for others. For me, I’ve never seen Valentine’s Day as only one noteworthy day of love to one significant person, but to everyone! It’s a day to help others not only feel of your love but also of God’s love for them. Helping others see and reach their potential is one of the most beautiful things we can do to help others come unto Christ and know that we are each a child of God. I’m making it a goal this month/year to love others and show them my appreciation more often than just on holidays. Who’s with me?!
Here are some ideas of things that you can do today to help others feel loved, without breaking the bank!
- Call someone to let them know you’re thinking about them, and share your love and appreciation for them in your life.
- Send a snail mail letter. I think a handwritten letter is one of the kindest gestures you can give. It shows that someone values you enough to sit down, ponder on what to say, and use their time towards making you smile. Pass it on!
- Make someone their favorite meal instead of going out to eat.
- Leave sticky notes around the house or on someone’s car to say that you’re thinking about them.
- Pick someone up and go on a drive. Talk and enjoy your time together.
- Make a movie fort, and enjoy a night in together with some popcorn.
- Create a treasure hunt of your favorite memories with someone.
- Simply listen.
- Smile at strangers.
- Send a text with a picture of your favorite memory with a certain person.
- Pray for your enemies.
- Pray for an opportunity to serve someone today.
Whatever you decide to do, help at least one person know that he or she is valued and are enough. So here’s to you, our Savior and loving example, and every gem we come in contact with every single day.
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