
Children’s Corner: The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Children’s Corner: The Tale of Peter Rabbit

The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a classic children’s story that has sparked the imagination of children for over 100 years. Facts “The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a British children’s book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter.” “The tale was written for five-year-old Noel Moore, son of 

Sabbath Message: General Conference

Sabbath Message: General Conference

We are half-way through General Conference! What have you learned? Share your thoughts on twitter and facebook and #LDSconf. Watch General Conference Live on! Catch up on Saturday sessions, Priesthood, and the General Women’s Meeting here. “What I the Lord have spoken, I have 

How to Have Peace

How to Have Peace

Finding Peace?

In the constant, daily struggles of everyday life, it can be difficult to feel peace. Whether it’s an upcoming exam or worries about the future (family, career, etc.), feeling peace can seem impossible.

In Doctrine and Covenants 19:23, it tells us how we can individually have peace:

Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.

So how can we have peace?

  1. A person must learn of Christ.
  2. A person must listen to the words of Christ.
  3. A person must be meek.

This world is full of confusion and turmoil. There are wars; there are rumors of wars. There are murders and fighting, divorce and hatred, unkindness and theft. But the Gospel truly does offer peace to those willing to accept its teachings.

1. A person must learn of Christ.

Learning of Christ seems pretty straightforward. Sometimes actually learning of Christ is hard when we get busy with life. Studying the scriptures, the Word of God, will help all of us learn of Christ. Going to the temple brings us closer to him.

2. A person must listen to the words of Christ.

In Doctrine and Covenants 1:38, the Lord declares the following:

What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.

This scripture seems to prove that General Conference is extremely important. When apostles and prophets speak, it is what the Lord would have declared because they are his servants.

Last Sunday in sacrament meeting, my bishop talked about General Conference, which will be happening this weekend. He said that across the church, it is the least attended meeting by the members. I was shocked! General Conference is probably my favorite spiritual weekend every April and October.

Bishop Jackson told the members of my ward eight concepts that we would learn if we would listen to General Conference.

8 Concepts We Can Learn if We Listen to to General Conference

  1. The importance of remembering our covenants
  2. Our need to seek for eternal truth
  3. How we can avoid confusion/being misled
  4. Why we should resist evil
  5. The need to sustain one another
  6. The importance of attending church meetings
  7. The importance of guarding our virtue
  8. Why we should develop good qualities
President Monson

3. A person must be meek.

I know that as we listen to the words of the prophets, we must be meek. If we are meek, we will be more likely to accept what they have to say as truth. And if we accept the words of the prophets and apostles, then we will be more likely to implement their teachings into our lives. Being meek is not being weak—being meek will make us humble and stronger.

Post written by: Katie, Editor-in-Chief

First-Aid Friday: 72-hour kits

First-Aid Friday: 72-hour kits

As families and as individuals, we have been counseled on multiple occasions to be prepared. Who knows what the future holds!  Tornados, droughts, blizzards, earthquakes, and many other natural disasters are on the rise in the world today, leaving us with no better alternative than 

General Conference: #PreparetoShare

General Conference: #PreparetoShare

As LDS General Conference approaches, I find myself sniffing around for cinnamon rolls and setting out my favorite pair of pajamas. However, this weekend means a lot more than sleeping in and overeating. We have been told by authorities in the Church that if we 



I’m a sucker for teeny tiny humans, especially when they do adorable things.

For those of you who can’t (or won’t; I’m not here to judge) watch the video, a fifteen-month-old little boy is clapping in front of a crowd of 500 boys, who immediately follow suit and cheer when he claps and are silent when he is silent.

My favorite thing about this is that the older boys are so wildly enthusiastic about making this little boy happy. I don’t know if you’ve been around teenage boys lately, but there seems to be an impression that they aren’t enthusiastic about anything besides sports and video games (I know my younger brothers want me to think this is true).

This is a lame stereotype crafted by lame people who don’t want anyone to know how beautiful the world is. The truth is that most people, whether they’re in their teens, twenties, or eighties, will do what they can to make a baby smile. They’ll play peek-a-boo. They’ll answer the toy phone. They’ll cheer when the baby takes a step or starts to talk.

At what point do we stop encouraging other people like that? When was the last time you praised a family member for doing something that seems menial? Did you thank your husband for filling up the car? Did you thank your mom for holding onto some of your more notable elementary school assignments? Did you tell your sister that you’re glad she’s alive and that she got out of bed today?

Life is hard. Go give someone you love a little (or a lot) of encouragement.

By Becca Barrus, Creative Director

Sabbath Message: #WomensMeeting

Sabbath Message: #WomensMeeting

Here is one of our favorite talks from last night’s #WomensMeeting from President Uchtdorf. Living the Gospel Joyful

Best Picture Books of 2013

Best Picture Books of 2013

                      Children often love picture books because of, well, the pictures. This website (linked below) reveals the top pictures books of last year! Is your favorite on the list?

Easy and Delicious: Homemade Gnocchi

Easy and Delicious: Homemade Gnocchi


1 c Instant potato flakes or pellets*

1 c boiling water

1 beaten egg

1 tsp salt

1/8 tsp pepper

1 c flour (give or take)


Mix water and instant potatoes. The potatoes will be drier than if you were making mashed potatoes to eat plain. Stir in the egg, salt, and pepper until all combined. Slowly knead in flour until you have a relatively stiff dough (may be more, may be less than the 1c). Roll dough into little logs and cut into 1/2-1 inch pieces. Boil water in a medium saucepan. Put one layer of gnocchi in at a time. Use a slotted spoon to remove each gnocchi as it floats to the top.

Serve with your favorite pasta sauce!

*You can substitute the instant potatoes with real mashed potatoes, however this may change the amount of flour you want to use.

By Janai Gariety, Social Media Director

It’s all Greek to me: Dating a Foreigner

It’s all Greek to me: Dating a Foreigner

Whether you’ve just begun a steady relationship or you’ve been married for a while, being in a relationship with a person from a different country can be a journey. When I started dating my Canadian husband you can bet your bottom “loonie”* that we learned