President’s Day has come and gone. Maybe you roasted hot dogs on the grill with your family? Maybe you lit a few sparklers? You probably didn’t sit in the library for hours researching why you were celebrating. But learning can actually be fun and can bring your family together. Some of my favorite memories with my family involve us learning together. Whether we were looking at museums in D.C. or reading our favorite stories out loud to each other, learning was always a big part of family time.
Here are a few fun ways you can learn with your family:
- Have one person look up interesting holiday facts and while everyone else guesses which facts are true.

- Picture from here.
Do a scavenger hunt in a museum.
- Go to a library and have everyone find the biggest (or longest, smallest, most colorful, best titled) book.
- Play learning/mind games like Scrabble or crossword puzzles.
- Read up on your favorite painting and try to recreate it using watercolors or finger paints. Then put all your paintings on the fridge for everyone to see.
—Ashley Smith, Stance