Two Hour Church?

During General Conference there were a few astounding announcements, one regarding the length and structure of Sunday church meetings. It was announced that church meetings would be shortened to two hours and an emphasis would be placed on home-centered study. God has heard the prayers of many individuals who wanted the strength to be able to attend all three hours of church, including new converts and parents with young children. He then was able to advise our modern-day prophets to potentially shorten church, which will be happening starting January of 2019. How does two-hour church benefit the family? Well, a few potential benefits include: more gospel-oriented homes, more time for families to spend time together, and even honoring the Sabbath day with a focus on the ordinance of the sacrament. This Sunday schedule will provide opportunities for families to be more gospel-oriented in using the new Come Follow Me resource to learn and understand more about the gospel within the family. With this, the family can decide how they will apply the gospel in their daily lives and live righteously together. While leaving church early is exciting, the family can spend the extra time together doing family home evenings or a selected activity that is gospel-oriented. The time spent together, will only increase love for each other because they will create memories that will be with them forever. Two-hour church will also put an emphasis on the importance of the ordinances that occur during sacrament. When we attend our weekly sacrament meeting, we renew our promises to God and remember the importance of the gospel in our lives. Two-hour church will help us to see the importance of family by spending time with them in a church-oriented home and by renewing our promises. We are ready for January of 2019 to come because we will be receiving new information about being gospel-oriented within the home and attending church for only two-hours.
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