Help Kids Build Faith through Journal Writing

In my last post, I wrote about how teachers can help students get excited about practicing writing in personal journals.
Parents of young children can do the same, but for a different purpose—writing in their journals can help kids increase in faith and gratitude. Check out the following ideas to tune kids in to the spiritual benefits of keeping a journal:
- Look to the scriptures for models. Just as Paul in the New Testament and Nephi in the Book of Mormon kept records of their lives and teachings, kids can keep records of what is happening to them. As you help them get started, remind them that they are following the examples of scripture heroes! See how one kid did so for his little brother.
- Hold a family home evening on the purpose of journals. The Church offers a whole FHE outline on journals. See what will work for your family situation.
- Read together about other kids who keep journals. Find out how other children around the world enjoy writing or even just drawing pictures about their lives.
- Brainstorm different angles to take. The New Era magazine suggests ideas for journal entries such as telling stories about a pet or recording family traditions. In my own life, I found that by recording special events such as my baptism and chances to teach or give talks at church, I could later look back and see how my testimony had grown!
One example of a fill-in journal page by the Friend magazine. - Start with a template if needed. The Friend magazine in 2002 created journal pages for children to fill in. Check out the pages on setting goals to be like Jesus Christ, reflecting on spiritual growth in the past year, and even just writing a personality and preferences profile.
Writing is a skill that will help kids prepare for the future not only temporally but spiritually. As kids keep journals, they will develop more appreciation for the blessings in their lives and see their own spiritual growth.
—Leah Christopher, Stance
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