Pizza Party Next Wednesday!
Pizza Party When: Wed., 24 September Where: 4035 JKB When: 7:30 PM
A Brigham Young University Student Journal
Pizza Party When: Wed., 24 September Where: 4035 JKB When: 7:30 PM
Elder Bednar had a fantastic devotional during Education Week in August on using Social Media to share to gospel! To view the devotional, visit this link: Even before his address, missionaries all over the world have started using Facebook to spread the gospel. This …
Our student journal, Stance: Studies on the Family, is associated with Brigham Young University.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for creative writing to academic papers to personal essays. Submit to Stance: Studies on the Family today!
1. Pick your academic paper, personal essay, creative writing, etc. Send as many submissions as you want. Just include the number in the subject of the email. (See point #4.)
2. Fill out Submission Form. If you cannot see this form, you will most likely need to update Adobe. If that still doesn’t work, you will need to include the following information in the body of your email:
3. Email include your submission (preferably a Word document) + information from the submission form
4. Email’s subject line: “Last name, First name, Stance Paper Submission # ___”
DEADLINE: Submit by 10/10/2014 at midnight. If you have any questions, please email us ASAP.
Thank you. We can’t wait to read your submissions for Stance: Studies on the Family!
Our student journal, Stance: Studies on the Family, is associated with Brigham Young University. Traditional to modern, photography to sculpture, oils to watercolors—send us your best work that represents you! It can be about anything, not just “family” topics. Submit to Stance: Studies on the Family today! Send us …
By Jerrick Robbins My sister recently bought a new cell phone. It has all the speed, all the data, and all the memory a person could want. Her brand-new technology puts my one-year-old technology to shame. In fact, it might as well own my phone. …
by Cody Phillips Whether it’s beginning to look a lot like springtime where you live or you’re still stuck in a polar vortex, a fresh spinach salad sprinkled with homemade poppy seed dressing will always brighten your day.
by Caroline Bliss Larsen
Valentine’s Day is a great time to teach your children that real, healthy relationships don’t require a box of chocolates. Grocery stores and shopping malls alike are great at enticing people to load up on chocolate, candy, and gifts for that special someone (or yourself) on Valentine’s Day—as a chocoholic, I should know. But what’s better than taping chocolates to paper hearts is teaching your kids what real love looks like—starting in the family. And real love is a lot healthier than all that candy.
Continue reading Love at Home: A New Perspective on Valentine’s Day
By: Alissa Holm Everyone reaches a point when they realize how wise their parents were. For some, it’s the moment when they cook their first meal at college. For others, it’s when they have their first day of work at a full time job. …