Poppy Seed Dressing

by Cody Phillips
Whether it’s beginning to look a lot like springtime where you live or you’re still stuck in a polar vortex, a fresh spinach salad sprinkled with homemade poppy seed dressing will always brighten your day.
My mom shared this simple recipe with me last summer when I went to Idaho for a quick visit. When I first tasted the dressing on some fresh-picked spinach leaves from her garden, I couldn’t believe it was homemade. I begged her to show me how to make it, and since then, I’ve never had to buy poppy seed dressing again.
1/3 c. white vinegar
1 tsp. Kosher salt
A few turns of freshly ground black pepper
3/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. mustard
1 green onion, ends removed
1/2 c. vegetable oil
1 tsp. poppy seeds
In a blender, combine vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar, and mustard. While the blender is running, add the green onion. Continue running the blender and add the oil in a steady stream until it is fully incorporated into the dressing.
Pour the dressing into a serving or storage container and whisk in poppy seeds. Serve over leafy greens.