Killer Recipes: Waffles

Every Saturday while I was growing up, my dad would make either pancakes, crepes, or waffles. The waffles were always my favorite. As I got older I began to pay more attention to how he made the waffles, and I asked him to teach me. Eventually I would make the waffles for the family whenever Dad wasn’t there for whatever reason. The recipe is pretty easy and it makes a lot of food! The number of waffles the recipe makes depends on the size of your waffle iron, but a medium sized iron will make around 20.
1 stick butter
2 c. flour
½ c. sugar
2 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp. salt
4 eggs
2 c. water
- Preheat waffle iron.
- Melt the butter and beat all of the ingredients together into a big bowl until smooth.
- Pour into waffle iron and cook for four minutes.
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