“How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved.” —Sigmund Freud
Think about a time when you knew that you were loved. When someone makes the effort to put you first, you can be sure you are loved. You feel more courage and confident. Maybe someone went to great lengths to let you know that he or she loved you or maybe it was a simple. A touch, a word, a note, a gift, or an act of service. Remember how you felt? Loved!
Did you know there is someone that is ALWAYS willing to go to great lengths to show His love for you?
“Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny,” (“The Family: A Proclamation to The World”).
We are children of God. “The most powerful Being in the universe is the Father of your spirit. He knows you. He loves you with a perfect love” (“You Matter to Him,” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf). He is willing to put us first EVERY time because He loves us.
Because He loves us He has given us an opportunity to have an earthly experience during which we can learn to be more like Him. Including learning to love through serving and sacrificing.
Here are a few simple ideas to get started:
- Make someone’s bed
- Prepare a hot breakfast for someone
- Write a note of appreciation
- Hold a door open for someone
- Offer to share your umbrella
- Bake your favorite kind of cookies and give them away
- Sincerely ask how someone is doing, then listen
- Volunteer at a soup kitchen, shelter, or community center
- Pray for someone by name
- Share an inspiring quote
- Smile

“The Family: A Proclamation to The World” teaches that we are children of Heavenly Parents and that we have the potential to become like Them. Start today. Start small. Empower someone with confidence by showing them how much you love them.
—Karee Brown, Stance
For more ideas of showing others your love for them check out this 14-day challenge.
Take the time to reflect on how you can further show your love and listen a few suggestions by Elder Holland in “How Do I Love Thee?”