Author: Stance Studies on the Family

Thanksgiving DIY

Thanksgiving DIY

Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy being with family and reflecting on the blessings we have received. And, of course, who can forget about the food? Sometimes we can focus on making sure the turkey and stuffing are cooked to perfection, that the table is 

Home Safety for Kids: Burns and Scalds

Home Safety for Kids: Burns and Scalds

Smelling yummy cookies baking, watching mom do her hair in the morning, or plugging something into an outlet are frequent occurrences in a home. Accidents can occur during these activities, but with a few tips you can easily avoid burns or scalds. Don’t hold children 

Legal Benefits of Tying the Knot

Legal Benefits of Tying the Knot

UntitledYou may think that marriage is mostly about twitterpation, true love, and white dresses, but starting a new life together is more than just the affection you feel for each other—it’s actually doing life together too! That means not only living together, but doing EVERYTHING together—from auto insurance to getting a family plan on your cell phone. Here is a fairly comprehensive list of the legal benefits of tying the knot… not like you needed another incentive to say “I do” anyway.


  • File joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities

Estate Planning

  • Inherit a share of your spouse’s estate
  • Estate tax and gift tax exemptions for all property you give or leave to your spouse
    • Create life estate trusts restricted to married couples
      • QTIP trusts
      • QDOT trusts
    • Priority in the necessity of conservator for spouse (person to make financial and/or medical decisions for them)

Government Benefits

  • Receive Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses
  • Receive veterans’ and military benefits for spouses
    • Education
    • Medical care
    • Special loans
  • Receive public assistance benefit

Employment Benefits

  • Obtain insurance benefits through spouse’s employer
  • Take family leave to care for spouse during illness
  • Receive wages, workers’ compensation, and retirement plan benefits for deceased spouse
  • Take bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse’s close relatives dies.

Medical Benefits

  • Visit your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit/during restricted visiting hours in a medical facility
  • Make medical decisions for your spouse if s/he become incapacitated and unable to express wishes

Family Benefits

  • File for stepparent or joint adoption
  • Apply for joint foster care rights
  • Receive equitable division of property if you divorce
  • Receive spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce


  • Live in neighborhoods zoned “families only”
  • Automatically renew leases signed by spouse

 Consumer Benefits

  • Receive family rates for health, homeowners’, and auto insurance; other types of family benefits (e.g. family plans for cell phone lines)
  • Receive tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities

 Other Legal Benefits

  • Claim marital communications privilege, which means a court can’t force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and yoyur spouse during your marriage.
  • Receive crime victims’ recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime
  • Obtain immigration and residency benefits for a noncitizen spouse
  • Visiting rights in jails and places where spouses are restricted to immediate family



—Miray Weeks, Editor, Stance

Simple Savings

Simple Savings

I mentioned in my last post that a “slow and steady” approach to saving is the most beneficial way for us to prepare for our long-term financial future. However, there’s another, equally gradual thing that we can do to help our family finances stay balanced: 

A Babymoon?

A Babymoon?

Being six months pregnant, I have heard multiple people mention a babymoon, and I’ve received tons of pregnancy ads and articles about babymoons. But what are they? For anyone like me who hadn’t heard of them before, babymoons are similar to a honeymoon. Babymoons are 

No-hassle Trick-or-Treating: Bags

No-hassle Trick-or-Treating: Bags

Perhaps one of the biggest dilemmas of Halloween is deciding what costume to wear. We all want to stand out, to be remembered as the one who had the scariest, cutest, or most creative costume of the night. But when you create your costume, why not include your trick-or-treating bag as a part of it? Why not make your candy bag as unique and clever as your costume?

We’ve all seen the classic plastic pumpkins that the kids carry around, and don’t forget about the pillowcases. But rather than settling for the traditional candy bags, why don’t you try something different?

Here are a few ideas to help you get creative and stand out this Halloween.

Cereal Box Freaky Frankenstein
green monster



Link found here.


Personalized Treat Buckets
kate and emma





Link found here.


Milk Jug Monster
milk jug monster






Link found here.


Embroidered Tote
embroidered tote







Link found here.


Silhouette Tote Bags
sihouette tote



Link found here.


Glow-in-the-Dark Bag
glow in the dark 1




Link found here.


Thanks for reading and Happy Halloween!

—Bridget Lewis, Editor; Stance

Home Safety for Kids: The Kitchen

Home Safety for Kids: The Kitchen

Often, young children are cared for at home by an older sibling for at least a few hours after school. More than not, the kitchen is the first place children go for a snack when they get home. Teaching children to be responsible in the 

Life’s Dark Trails

Life’s Dark Trails

The trail was very dark, the sky lit with stars. With a small silver flashlight in hand, I could only see two or three steps in front of me, but well enough to know I was quickly falling behind the very fast and fit group 

Be the Tortoise–Patience in Finances

Be the Tortoise–Patience in Finances

Finance 2If there’s one thing that’s hard to learn, it’s patience. I even remember a time when I realized how impatient I was being and how I decided I wanted to change my attitude. The funny thing was the first thought I had after that realization: “Okay, I want to be more patient. How can I learn to be patient as quickly as possible?”

I laughed at myself when I realized how ironic that thought was, but I think it’s a common thing that we live through—it’s human nature. It’s normal to want to see results immediately: it can be really encouraging to see a positive outcome happen quickly because of a choice you made. It helps provide motivation for similarly healthy choices in the future.

The problem is, some of the most important things in life take a long time to show major results. Our relationships with others, our health, our education, and our finances—all of these things require a long-term commitment in order to grow. We might see some benefits rather quickly, but we won’t achieve our end goal until quite a while after we start.

Just like we can’t expect to suddenly be in perfect shape once we start exercising, we can’t expect to have enough money to retire as soon as we start saving. Patient accumulation of savings has to be a habit that we develop, not an occasional worry-fueled expense. We have to recognize that we’re building up our future financial security—just like patient and diligent exercise will build up our future physical health. It’s difficult, but we need to learn that, when it comes to things like this, “slow and steady” really is the way to go.


—Sam Watson, Editor, Stance

Baby Bump Costumes

Baby Bump Costumes

Are you pregnant and wondering how to dress up for Halloween? It can be difficult with a large basketball-shaped stomach. However, there are many ideas for “baby bump costumes” that we found online. Some of my favorites are the costumes that use a normal shirt