Sometimes I can hardly believe my good fortune!
I have food to eat (more than I need), clothes to wear (more than I need), a roof over my head (more space than I need), friends who care about me (can never have too many of those), a church to belong to (keeps me humble), stores to shop at (definitely more than I need), and a family of my own (I’m open to more grandkids!).
Some might say, “Wow. You are really lucky.”
But I prefer to say, “Wow! I am so blessed!”
What’s the difference? Gratitude. If we think all good things came from luck, then there is no reason to show gratitude to anyone. But I am positive that every good thing in my life is a gift from my Heavenly Father. He has showered me with an abundance of goodness. Does this mean I have everything I want? Am I rich? Have all my troubles disappeared? Unfortunately, no. I do not have enough money to go to New Zealand, I haven’t been clothes shopping in months, and I would be thrilled if I could buy a new car. But I don’t need the latest and greatest to be happy. I can be content with what I have.
No, I’m not lucky. I’m blessed.
By Phyllis Rosen
Nice thoughts and very true — for me, too.
Hope all is well with you and your family.