
I’ve been thinking a lot about the epidemic in our society of pornography addiction. I have seen its effects on the relationships of people that I love that struggle with it and it’s devastating to witness. Whether in a dating or a marriage relationship, the ability to maintain a healthy relationship is difficult enough without this addiction added to the mix, but the addition of it is an added measure of immense struggle.

It’s an addiction like any other–it hurts you (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually), it hurts your family, it hurts your friends; it hurts everything. It misconstrues a person’s understanding of love and intimacy; it encourages violence; it messes with your brain . . .

Yet, it still rages on. We as a society must combat it with all the force and study that we have in the past with other drugs that seek to destroy our society. It is not something to be pushed aside or forgotten about because doing nothing will only allow its influence to grow stronger and wider. I challenge you and me to be the ones who combat this addiction of lust with the love that it seeks to destroy.

Become informed and help others do the same.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Overcoming Pornography program

Facts about pornography addiction

Inspiring messages about overcoming pornography addiction

—Jazmin Cybulski, Stance