
Día de los Muertos

Día de los Muertos

My parents tell me that Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a dying tradition in their small hometowns of Coeneo and Tunguitiro in Michoacán, México. As a family, we do some symbolic traditions here in America to represent my parents’ culture from 

Manage Stress with a Little Organization

Manage Stress with a Little Organization

As a busy student, one of the most common feelings in my life is stress and I’m sure I’m not the only student who feels this way. Each semester, I wonder how I can relieve this stress. I try to prepare myself with some steps 

Couponing for Beginners

Couponing for Beginners

I grew up in a big family, and my parents were always looking for ways to save money. My mom turned to coupons to buy the necessities without spending ridiculous amounts of money. Couponing can help families and individuals save a lot of money, especially when they are used correctly. Here are some steps to help you start couponing:

  1. Collect Coupons: Most of us have that huge pile of junk mail and advertisements that gets delivered to our houses a few times a week. I usually throw it aside, find it weeks later, and throw it away. Many of those advertisements, however, come with coupons in them! Looking through these advertisements, the Sunday paper, and local store ads are a great way to find coupons. Many stores also have online coupons or apps that allow you to download coupons while you’re standing in the store!
  2. Organize your Coupons: Once you start collecting coupons, you’re going to need some way to keep track of them all. The best way is to organize by category (e.g., food, cleaning products, and health care) and expiration date. There are several ways to do this. My mom would get the small, cheap photo albums that hold about twenty 4” x 6” photos and organize her coupons in that. Other people use binders or little containers designed to hold 3” x 5” index cards. Find the way that works for you and use it!
  3. Find the Deals: This is a step that many beginning couponers miss. Just because you have a coupon for an item doesn’t mean buying that item will save you money. If you usually buy the cheap, off-brand version of something because it’s $1.00 cheaper than the name-brand version, then you aren’t going to save any money if you buy a name-brand item with a $0.75 off coupon—you’ll still end up spending $0.25 more than if you bought the off-brand item. If you can find an item on sale, and then use a coupon with it, that’s when the big savings start to happen.
  4. Know Store Policy: Different stores have different coupon policies, such as doubling coupons on one item or using multiple of the same coupon in one transaction. Make sure you know what your store policy is so you can use your coupons most effectively and avoid any surprises at check-out.
  5. Save Money: You’re ready to start! If you’ve found and organized your coupons and located the deals, then you are ready to save money. Good luck with your couponing!
Marital Sex Communicator

Marital Sex Communicator

When did you finally learn that a “pee-pee” was actually a penis? Or, when did you learn that women have a clitoris and what its true purpose is? Understanding sexuality is extremely important to having healthy sexuality and effective sexual communication throughout life, and especially 

DIY Frames and Watercolors

DIY Frames and Watercolors

“These walls are just so bare.”  Have those words ever crossed your lips?  It’s happened to all of us at least once.  So, now what?  Maybe you’re broke; maybe you’re on a budget.  Either way, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on 

Comfy Seats and Love-Filled Treats

Comfy Seats and Love-Filled Treats

All over the world, people spent this last weekend in comfy seats eating yummy treats while they listened to the voices of modern prophets, apostles, and auxiliary leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during General Conference. There were monumental announcements and powerful messages; one of my favorites was Sister Cristina B. Franco’s address entitled, “The Joy of Unselfish Service.” Sister Franco focused on the opportunities we are given and the positions we are placed in that allow us to reach out to our fellow men. She spoke of the seats she has been asked to sit in, ranging from primary folding chairs to velvet General Conference armchairs (which she mentions are not as comfy as you might think). I especially appreciated her sharing an experience she had with Sister Victoria Antonietti, a primary teacher in her branch in Argentina. She shared,

“Each Tuesday afternoon, when we gathered for Primary, she brought us a chocolate cake. Everyone loved the cake—well, everyone except me…One day after she had shared the chocolate cake with the rest of the children, I asked her, ‘Why don’t you bring a different flavor—like orange or vanilla?’ After laughing a little, she asked me, ‘Why don’t you try a little piece? This cake is made with a special ingredient, and I promise that if you try it, you will like it!’…I agreed to give it a try. Can you guess what happened? I liked it! That was the very first time I had enjoyed a chocolate cake.

It wasn’t until many years later that I found out what the secret ingredient was in Sister Antonietti’s chocolate cake. My children and I visited my mother each week. On one of these visits, Mom and I were enjoying a slice of chocolate cake, and I related to her how I came to like the cake for the very first time. Then she enlightened me with the rest of the story. ‘You see, Cris,’ my mom said, ‘Victoria and her family didn’t have a lot of resources, and each week she had to choose between paying for the bus to take her and her four children to Primary or buying the ingredients to make the chocolate cake for her Primary class. She always chose the chocolate cake over the bus, and she and her children walked more than two miles [3 km], each way, regardless of the weather.’ That day I had a better appreciation for her chocolate cake. More important, I learned that the secret ingredient in Victoria’s cake was the love she had for those she served and her unselfish sacrifice in our behalf.”

This made me reflect on the ways we can serve people around us. We have each been given so many skills that allow us to serve each other and our Heavenly Father in unique ways! For Victoria it was chocolate cake, for Sister Franco it was this lovely message, and for you it may be your killer ability to find perfect GIFs to make your friends laugh. Whatever your abilities are, use them! Heavenly Father will occasionally ask you to sit in seats you find uncomfortable, and He will stretch your ability to serve in new ways, but for now, focus on what you can do. Smile at that kid! Invite your friends over for dinner when you make too much food! Don’t ignore that feeling that you should call your friend! Big or small, we can all contribute. Sister Franco speaks of the day we will meet our Savior again and says, “It will not matter if we sat in the comfy seats or if we struggled to get through the meeting on a rusty folding chair in the back row. It won’t even matter if we, of necessity, stepped into a foyer to comfort a crying baby. What will matter is that we came with a desire to serve. . . And it will certainly matter that we do all that we do with the special ingredient of service coupled with love and sacrifice.” Give what you have to give! And give it with love! What can you do today?

Read the rest of Sister Franco’s talk here:

Check out some awesome new service opportunities near you at

Two Hour Church?

Two Hour Church?

During General Conference there were a few astounding announcements, one regarding the length and structure of Sunday church meetings. It was announced that church meetings would be shortened to two hours and an emphasis would be placed on home-centered study. God has heard the prayers 

Killer Recipes: Cake Mix Cookies

Killer Recipes: Cake Mix Cookies

Ingredients:  One package plain Devil’s Food cake mix*  1/3 cup water  4 tablespoons melted butter  1 large egg  1 bag (12 oz) semisweet chocolate chips  1/2 cup walnuts, pecans, or hazelnuts (optional) Preheat oven to 350°F 1. Lightly grease 2 

Killer Recipes: Homemade Pizza Crust

Killer Recipes: Homemade Pizza Crust

You know that feeling on a lazy Friday night, when you don’t feel like doing anything but watching TV and eating some of your favorite comfort food? I know I do, and while I have many comfort foods I love, pizza has always been a favorite! Ordering a pizza always seems to be the go-to pizza option, but sometimes it’s hard to decide on a certain type of pizza, or adding more pizza toppings makes the pizza more expensive. So, why don’t you just make your own pizza!? You can just buy your favorite toppings from the store, and odds are you will have enough toppings leftover to make at least one or two more pizzas. My husband and I love doing this. It’s quick, easy, and so much fun! I have had a hard time finding a really good pizza crust recipe that gives me the thick crust and crunchy outside crust with the soft inside that I love—until I found this recipe. It’s my favorite pizza crust recipe, and I hope you all enjoy it!

½ tablespoon of active dry yeast

2 ½ cups of flour

1 teaspoon of sugar

2 tablespoons of olive oil

1 cup of warm water

1 teaspoon of salt

In a small bowl, combine the warm water, sugar, and active dry yeast. Set it aside, and let it rise for aboutten minutes at room temperature. Also, preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, in a big bowl, mix the flour, salt, and olive oil together. Sometimes the olive oil will create little clumps in the flour. If this happens, you can try to press them out with your fingers, but it will not affect the bake or the taste either way in my experience. After the yeast has risen for about ten minutes, combine the yeast mixture with the flour mixture. Mix either with a bread mixer or with your hands until smooth and the dough stops sticking to your hands. You can add a little bit of flour if the mixture is still too sticky. Then, roll the pizza dough into a circle and transfer it to a buttered or oiled pizza pan. Add your favorite toppings! I personally love doing tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, and cherry tomatoes. This is your time to create exactly the pizza you want. Then back the pizza at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15–20 minutes. The more toppings you put on, the closer to 20 minutes it will need to bake. When the crust has a light brown color to it, it should be just about perfect.


Provo Gem: The Soap Factory

Provo Gem: The Soap Factory

Provo. This place has a ton of character to it. Although I complain about the construction and zero parking and bipolar weather most of the time, it really is a great place to live and explore. There are so many startup companies around here that