
Be the Tortoise–Patience in Finances

Be the Tortoise–Patience in Finances

If there’s one thing that’s hard to learn, it’s patience. I even remember a time when I realized how impatient I was being and how I decided I wanted to change my attitude. The funny thing was the first thought I had after that realization: 

Baby Bump Costumes

Baby Bump Costumes

Are you pregnant and wondering how to dress up for Halloween? It can be difficult with a large basketball-shaped stomach. However, there are many ideas for “baby bump costumes” that we found online. Some of my favorites are the costumes that use a normal shirt 

The Perfect Autumn Breakfast

The Perfect Autumn Breakfast

Autumn is finally here! One telltale sign is the pumpkins that are everywhere—outside buildings and inside food. Pumpkins are great for dinner, snacks, and even for breakfast—the best meal of the day in my opinion. Bring a little bit of autumn into your mornings with these delicious pumpkin pancakes.Perfect Autumn Breakfast


1 1/2 cups milk

1 cup pumpkin puree

1 egg

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 tablespoons vinegar

2 cups all-purpose flour

3 tablespoons brown sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon ground allspice

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

1/2 teaspoon salt



  • Mix the milk, pumpkin puree, egg, oil, and vinegar. Combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, allspice, cinnamon, ginger, and salt in a separate bowl. Stir the dry ingredients into the pumpkin mixture until just combined.
  • Heat a lightly greased griddle or frying pan over medium heat. Pour about ¼ cup of batter for each pancake.
  • Brown on both sides and serve with syrup if desired.

 This recipe was originally found at


—Lynne Crandall, Senior Designer, Stance

Halloween Cruises!

Halloween Cruises!

There are many fun Halloween activities to do in Provo. However, one of the lesser known activities is the Halloween Cruise put on by the CLAS Ropes Course. For only $8 per person, you can take a 20-minute tour down the Provo River surrounded by 



“Honestly, I just love how you…you…” –I couldn’t quite think of what it was—“ you live so unapologetically. Yes, you are so unapologetically yourself.” I didn’t realize it was this, all along, that had drawn me to one of my best friends. We were sitting 

10 DIY Halloween Decorations

10 DIY Halloween Decorations

With Halloween peeking right around the corner, why not get yourself ready with some fun Halloween decorations? Whether you like the homey and welcoming decorations or the more spooky ones, there are hundreds of simple and creative ways to bring the Halloween spirit into your home. Keep reading below for ten quick DIY Halloween decorations.

1. Paper Bag Luminaries

paper bag lightsLink found here












2. Candy Corn Centerpieces

Candy Corn CenterpiecesLink found here

3. Flying Bats

Flying batsLink found here

4. Glittery Pumpkins

Glittery PumpkinsLink found here








5. Ghoul’s Night Out

Ghouls Night OutLink found here








6. Floating Head Hanging Ghosts

Floating Head Hanging GhostsLink found here








7. Mason Jar Jack-O-Lanterns

Mason Jar Jack-o-lanternsLink found here






8. DIY Ghost

DIY GhostLink found here







9. Paranormal Portraits

paranormal portraitsLink found here








10. Black and White Pumpkin Topiary

black and white topiaryLink found here






Thanks for reading! Happy Halloween!
Please comment below.

—Bridget Lewis, Editor, Stance

Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis

Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis, a life-threatening symptom of severe allergic reactions, can cause shock, difficult breathing, or a sudden drop in blood pressure. Anaphylactic reactions are most common in people with severe food allergies or allergies to bee stings, and in most people it is obvious that anaphylaxis 

Frugality in the Engagement: Stationery Edition

Frugality in the Engagement: Stationery Edition

    Once the flutters in your tummy have calmed down a little since he proposed (which, let’s face it, they never really do!), you may start worrying about the daunting task ahead of you and how much money it’s going to involve. Don’t be 

One Paycheck Away?

One Paycheck Away?


Financial worries are one of the biggest causes of stress and difficulty for families today. One researcher in 2013 found that the top indicator of future divorce for a couple was if they argued about money, especially early in their relationship.

Even more recently, an interview with a homeless man in San Francisco was posted online. The man has “an MBA in finance from Stanford” but has been homeless for ten months. How did this happen to him? In his words, “We’re just one paycheck away.” 2

This concept is part of the reason that finances are such a worry for those trying to support a family. When we’re living from paycheck to paycheck, missing just one of them could definitely have difficult or even disastrous consequences.

The good thing is, it doesn’t have to be this way.

What’s the solution? It sounds pretty intuitive: as soon as you get paid, save some money from your paycheck, preferably a set percentage. And when you start to earn more money, start to save more money.

Saving a percent of your income instead of an amount means that every raise or bonus you get will help you in the future, and your spending habits will not increase as much right now. It’s the principle of ‘waste not, want not’—an investment for the future of a family.

Although this is simple, it’s not an easy habit to start if we’re like most Americans. Financial advisors have noted that an increase in salary or income typically means that a family will also increase their spending to match it. If we don’t save our money right when it comes, we’ll probably end up finding another use for it, and at the end of the month, we won’t have anything to put away into savings. This behavior comes from the same part of human nature that a credit card company takes advantage of when they raise a credit limit to entice people further into debt: With more money available, why not relax a little and get the things you couldn’t pay for earlier?

It’s an attractive idea to be free financially, but that freedom doesn’t come when we’re able to spend as much as we want. Financial freedom comes when we don’t have to worry about missing that next paycheck. By learning to live with what we have now, we’re preparing our families and ourselves for the future.

—Sam Watson, Editor, Stance

A Short Life Lesson from a Short Scripture

A Short Life Lesson from a Short Scripture

My husband and I made the big decision to take on a new and major responsibility–taking care of a new life. We are starting our family and expecting a little boy in February. This new chapter in our lives has been a constant thrill of