
10 Ideas for Decorating with Mirrors

10 Ideas for Decorating with Mirrors

Decorating with mirrors can add elegance or edgy-ness to any home, apartment, or rental. Mirrors create the illusion of space, airiness, openness—making this decor choice perfect for small spaces, like hallways or tinier bedrooms. A current trend is decorating with multiple mirrors on the same wall. The 

Pinterest Win: Lemonies

Pinterest Win: Lemonies

It is January. The glitter from New Year’s has faded, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is quickly becoming a memory, and all we have to look forward to is THE GRIND. Trust me, I feel the January blues. My way to counteract them is with 

2015 Stance Mocktail Party

2015 Stance Mocktail Party


Emma Smith: How Much Could One Heart Take?

Emma Smith: How Much Could One Heart Take?

Emma Smith is a source of contestation and conflicting viewpoints for many within the LDS community. A popular song (at least amongst missionaries I served with) about Emma Smith has the refrain “How much could one heart take?” as it’s main theme. The popularity of 

Moroccan, Islamic Women and Latter-day Saints

Moroccan, Islamic Women and Latter-day Saints

When I first read the title “Moroccan Women’s Integration of Family and Religion,” I was at once piqued. I am always eager to learn new insights into other cultures and religions, and Donna Lee Bowen gives an insightful account of her findings from the women’s 

10 Children’s Room Ideas

10 Children’s Room Ideas

It’s true—decorating or even updating decor can be stressful. But when you decorate this special space, the process does not need to be complicated! What you need is specific idea in mind. For example, try picking a theme or a color. Consider questions, such as the following:

  • Does your child love to explore or to travel? Add a map or prints of different countries or cities.
  • Does your child have a bright personality? When painting, pick one pop of color—for personality’s sake.
  • Does your child love camping? Add a touch of the outdoors, by using live plants or prints of trees or flowers.
  • Is your child eclectic in his or her tastes? Add rainbow-colored polka-dots, flags, banners, or pom-poms throughout the room for an inclusive, warm feel.
  • Is your flower child a free spirit? Add multi-colored, multi-textured pillows and drapes for that bohemian, hippie feel.

Whether your child love neons or neutrals, peonies or pom-poms, origami or stuffed animals, this room will be a place where your child will love to play, to learn, and to grow up in. Here are 10 beautiful children’s bedroom to provide ideas of how spark your creativity when decorating!

—Katie, Editor-in-Chief, Stance: Studies on the Family

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Happy Winter 2015

Happy Winter 2015

Last First Aid Friday Post of the year!

Last First Aid Friday Post of the year!

Sometimes, the solutions to “typical” first-aid moments catch me off guard. For years, the first thing that I did when I got a bloody nose was to tilt my head back and pinch my nose.  I’m pretty sure that was my immediate choice of response 

Nutella Hot Chocolate and Frozen Whipped Cream

Nutella Hot Chocolate and Frozen Whipped Cream

I need to share a few wonderful things with you all today. First is this video. It is How the Grinch Stole Christmas in American Sign Language, and you cannot tell me that this little girl isn’t the most adorable thing or that you don’t feel the Christmas spirit after watching it. Don’t even try.

The second and third wonderful things on my list are two easy-peasy recipes that you can use for your ugly Christmas sweater party, your white elephant gift exchange, or just for you, because you got your Christmas shopping done in August (go you). They are Nutella hot chocolate and frozen whipped cream. Trust me, they are so dang easy that you will wonder why you don’t do this every year!

Nutella Hot Chocolate

Recipe from here.

  • 2 cups of milk (whole, skim, soy, almond, lactose free… any kind will work)
  • a heaping 1/4 cup of Nutella
  • whipped topping or marshmallows (optional)
In a 1 – 1 1/2 quart crock pot add 1 cup of the milk and the Nutella. Whisk together until the Nutella is completely dissolved and incorporated.
Add the remainder of the milk and whisk to inocorporate it well. When it’s well incorporated the milk will be all frothy on top.
Place the lid on and turn the crock to low. Let heat completely through for 1 – 2 hours (mine took about an hour and a half).
Whisk one last time before serving to make sure everyone gets an equal amount of that great Nutella flavor. Serve topped with your favorite whipped topping or marshmallows.
hot-chocolate-free-clip-artFrozen Whipped Cream
Recipe from here.
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 2-3 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Pour cold whipping cream into bowl of mixer.  Using whisk attachment whisk, on medium speed, whip until it begins to thicken and you see soft peaks form.  Add in powdered sugar and vanilla, continue mixing until well incorporated.

Take your whipped cream and spoon individual servings onto parchment lined baking sheet (I used my frosting tip/bag because they were already full of cream).  Place in freezer for 2-3 hours or until completely frozen.  Move to airtight container and store in freezer.

Merry Christmas, all!

By Sam Lund

Homemade Marshmallows

Homemade Marshmallows

Here’s a fun holiday treat that the whole family can help make! These delicious homemade marshmallows will melt in your mouth, but the best part is choosing your favorite toppings to roll them in. Crushed graham crackers, toasted coconut, and cinnamon sugar are some tasty