
Valentine’s Day Ideas for Everyone in Your Life

Valentine’s Day Ideas for Everyone in Your Life

This Valentine’s Day we bring you ideas for showing love to everyone around you. You can make this love day extra special by giving more love to everyone in your life—from your Relief Society president to your mom. Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us here at 

Parenting Tip #9:  Be in the Moment

Parenting Tip #9: Be in the Moment

Suppose Queen Elizabeth showed up unexpectedly at your home.  How would you respond? A) Invite her in but continue to watch your Netflix. (only ten minutes left!) B) Invite her in, talk to her, but at the same time post her picture to your Instagram. 

Parenting Tip #8: Play with your Kids!

Parenting Tip #8: Play with your Kids!

Many of you know the saying:  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

This is true for parenting!!   All work and no play makes for very boring parents.

Relax a little and take the time to really have fun with your children.   By playing with your kids, they come to realize that you are a person; you have a sense of humor; you enjoy specific activities, you are good at certain activities; and you have a side to you that does not involve bossing them around.

So how do you play with your kids?  It’s different at various stages of their lives.

Here’s some of my favorite play moments:  

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From chopped competitions to four wheel rides with dad, our family always loved to be together and play together.

The truth is that it doesn’t matter what you do.   It just matters that you take the time to have fun experiences together.

Last year my son and his wife and two children moved back to this area because of a job loss.  He was in the process of interviewing but he had a lot of time on his hands. Many afternoons he called me and asked, “Mom, do you want to go on a bike ride?”   I usually had a long list of projects I wanted to get through, but I thought to myself, how many times will I have this opportunity to go on bike rides with my son and his family?   So, I agreed to go every single time!   I look back now at those three months and consider them magical.    

It’s never too late to start playing.  Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy your children.    I’m not suggesting that we abandon our responsibilities in favor of playing the days away.   But I am saying that the dishes can wait, the floor can be swept tomorrow, the laundry can be folded later.   Our children, on the other hand, will grow up and leave home, whether we are ready or not.    Taking the time to enjoy life together now will enable you to have delightful relationships (friendships) with your kids when they are adults.   

So, what are you waiting for????   GO PLAY!!!!


Written by Phyllis Rosen




Parenting Tip #7: Admit When You Are Wrong

Parenting Tip #7: Admit When You Are Wrong

No one wants to admit being wrong, and certainly no parent wants to remember the times when his or her parenting was less than stellar.  As parents we try hard to make good choices, but unfortunately,  there comes a day when you get it wrong. 

Parenting Tip #6:  Teach your children about Jesus Christ

Parenting Tip #6:  Teach your children about Jesus Christ

Of all the things I did as a parent, teaching my children about Jesus Christ is the one area in which I wish I’d done more.   Don’t get me wrong.   I did many things to teach my kids about Jesus Christ and the role He 

Managing Childhood Asthma

Managing Childhood Asthma

mother and girlBecause asthma is the most common chronic illness among children it’s important to understand managing childhood asthma. Upon this discovery many parents have a limited understanding of the disease and its treatment, which is the exact information parents need to know and utilize to keep their child healthy.

Disease Overview

For starters, asthma is an illness that makes breathing difficult because of temporary inflammation of the air passages. This results in coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness (WebMD, n.d.). When symptoms are severe, it is called an asthma attack. These attacks can become severe enough to warrant a hospital visit and in extreme cases results in death. Because these attacks can come on suddenly, controlling the illness can keep individuals from experiencing a dangerous asthma attack

Identifying and Limiting Triggers

According to KidsHealth, this illness can result from a few causes, known as triggers: allergies, colds/repertory virus, and environment triggers. The website further explains that identifying and reducing exposure to a known trigger is the key to controlling asthma.

family walking along beachLuckily, parents are not alone in finding and controlling the known trigger. According to KidsHealth, doctors will often have patients keep a diary that includes times and potential causes for the asthma symptoms. Once the needed data is collected, the doctor will use the diary to determine the trigger. Doctors will also help the patient and parents determine necessary steps to control asthma. This information is included in an action plan KidsHealth suggests having a copy of the plan in each location where your child spends a large amount of time (i.e. home, school, etc.)

If your child has asthma and you have not received support in finding and controlling triggers from a doctor, it is worth the effort to request this assistance from your child’s doctor. After all, it will help keep your child healthy.


There are over-the-counter medicines that we can choose to take or not to take, but prescription medications for a chronic illness are prescribed out of necessity. For your child to control their asthma, they need to take the dosage as prescribed by the pharmacist.

In addition to taking the prescribed medication, it is also important to take the medicine correctly. Even if the prescribed dosage is being taken, failure to take the medicine in the correct manner can result in the medicine not working properly. The following are common ways that asthma medications are administered and the right way to take each of the medications: 

162265724_XSNebulizer: Turn on machine. Put on face mask. Breath in the medicine slowly.

Dry Powder Inhale: Press the release button and breath deeply.

Meter- Dosed Inhaler: This type of medicine works like a spray, push the lever on inhaler and breath in.

Anti-Inflammatory Pill: Steroid pill taken orally with water.

As you help your child control their asthma remember that reducing triggers and properly taking medication are two keys to controlling your child’s asthma. KidsHealth says that if these two steps are taken most children with asthma can enjoy a normal life with minimal asthma-related complications.

Disclaimer: Stance on the Family is not a medical source. Stance advises those with asthma and their families to talk with a doctor if experiencing any difficulty with managing asthma.  

Written by Laura Fillmore



Parenting Tip #5: Work Ethic

Parenting Tip #5: Work Ethic

Teach Your Children to Work Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work we go… In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the dwarfs sing cheerfully with their shovels in hand as they march off to work in the mines.  This probably is not the way your 

Expressing Gratitude

Expressing Gratitude

“Keep the Commandments” The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to express thanks for the many blessings we have been given. A time to pause, reflect, and notice blessings that we may not otherwise recognize. A time to express our love for our Savior and our Heavenly 

Dating & Serious Relationships

Dating & Serious Relationships

nature-1790138_1920I’d personally love to tell you all about how great all my relationships have been going and what the biggest successes and positive signs are . . . and I’ll still be glad to share. However, I’m coming from a unique perspective at this time. After a pretty serious relationship, I have recently broken up with my boyfriend because we weren’t ready for anything more, so instead of being enveloped in worries and doubts, we decided to stop seeing each other. To sum it up, my heart and dreams were crushed. I had hoped he would choose a different direction and confidently move forward with me one step at a time. But he chose the other route I was afraid of. However, as I’ve now sulked enough, I am recognizing that it was for the best. If he believes there’s someone better out there for me and that right now is not the Lord’s time, then I’ll take it. I know what I want in life and did come close – very…to a life with him. It had quite the potential. But, as I look back on it, I realize that although it very well could have been good, I’m looking for and capable of great. And so are you!

Don’t just settle for good, instead aim for great.

Now, I’ve had my share of experiences and heart breaks but I’m not exactly the most qualified relationship counselor out there. However, I would like to share some general tips and pointers on basic dating and serious relationship perspectives.



General Dating:

  • Have confidence, smile everywhere you go, and just be yourself. This is the number one way that you attract a potential friend and date.
  • Don’t be afraid to open your mouth and talk, even if it is a simple “hi.” You never know where a simple conversation can go, but more than that, the smile and recognition is priceless.
  • Always make these casual dates an adventure. Be yourself, learn from them, laugh and make memories, and don’t worry about where they could go – everything relationship wise happens very naturally, and you definitely don’t have to worry about your future life on the first few dates.
  • Have fun. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, relax and enjoy the ride. So many people are focused on the end goal, but enjoy the journey! 

Committed Relationships:

  • The number one most significant step is communication. Without communication as your foundation, the relationship will not work out for the best. You need to be able to talk to each other about anything and everything. You need to be able to share yourself, your feelings, and your thoughts. Through communication you will be able to open up to each other and share your hearts and build a bond of trust you can never imagine is possible.
  • Make sure you set your boundaries and expectations.
  • Have time together. Make sure to set aside specific times in your busy schedules and make one another a priority.
  • Show them how much you care for them – words of affection, acts of service, surprises, touch, etc. Get to know their needs.

10154481_372319126240623_1959066281_nAlright, that’s all the basics I have for today. I just want you all to remember that no matter what happens and where your relationships go or do not go, everything will work out for the best. Someone is out there for you and there are so many blessings that await you. Your potential is so great and powerful. You make a difference and you are capable and worthy of being loved. Your dreams will come true and the great is out there.

Written by Rebekah Day


Parenting Tip #4: Support Your Spouse

Parenting Tip #4: Support Your Spouse

As my husband and I were discussing parenting (we often do) we realized that a large part of parenting is supporting your spouse. You may wonder “what does that have to do with parenting? Turns out it plays a large role. There are many ways