Author: Stance Studies on the Family

The Perfect Autumn Breakfast

The Perfect Autumn Breakfast

Autumn is finally here! One telltale sign is the pumpkins that are everywhere—outside buildings and inside food. Pumpkins are great for dinner, snacks, and even for breakfast—the best meal of the day in my opinion. Bring a little bit of autumn into your mornings with 

Halloween Cruises!

Halloween Cruises!

There are many fun Halloween activities to do in Provo. However, one of the lesser known activities is the Halloween Cruise put on by the CLAS Ropes Course. For only $8 per person, you can take a 20-minute tour down the Provo River surrounded by 




“Honestly, I just love how you…you…” –I couldn’t quite think of what it was—“ you live so unapologetically. Yes, you are so unapologetically yourself.” I didn’t realize it was this, all along, that had drawn me to one of my best friends. We were sitting in my kitchen, all of us girls, chatting about boys. Invariably, the conversation had led to us to one of those chick-flick worthy heart-to-hearts, building each other up after a confusing day with our crushes. I remembered the first time I had met this friend, the one who lived unapologetically. I had been somewhat skeptical of her bubbliness and kindness and ability to open up people so swiftly and easily. I learned very quickly this was no façade, but just an incredible, high-spirited girl.

And it was true; she was unapologetically herself. People couldn’t help but gravitate towards her confidence and sincerity. Yet, I couldn’t help but be skeptical of the idea. Live unapologetically? I mean, it’s a nice idea, but I have flaws—imperfections— parts of me others might find rather annoying. From what I understood, to live unapologetically meant to embrace all of those things. All throughout childhood I was told to be aware of my shortcomings, change my bad habits, and become a better person, which ultimately meant abandoning the person I am now and striving to be another. How could I truly embrace myself if “myself” was always in a working state of change?

It didn’t help that saying sorry was a bad habit of mine. It was like one of those automatic responses people give even when it doesn’t make sense, like when someone says “Happy birthday!” and the other responds “You too.” I apologized for everything: in the middle of conversations when I felt like I was talking to much, when I tripped up the stairs (when no one was there), and even when people complimented me. I was the epitome of living apologetically, and though I wasn’t happy, I still wasn’t satisfied with the idea of fully embracing myself—imperfections and all—quite yet.

I couldn’t quite understand this concept until the understanding of my identity—true identity—shifted. To live unapologetically means to embrace our truest selves, and we are, in the truest sense, sons and daughters of God with a divine nature and divine potential. We are not our imperfections, nor are we our mistakes. We are defined by our ability to change. We are a work in progress, and we need not apologize for this fact.

Jessica Olsen, Editor, Stance

10 DIY Halloween Decorations

10 DIY Halloween Decorations

With Halloween peeking right around the corner, why not get yourself ready with some fun Halloween decorations? Whether you like the homey and welcoming decorations or the more spooky ones, there are hundreds of simple and creative ways to bring the Halloween spirit into your 

Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis

Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis, a life-threatening symptom of severe allergic reactions, can cause shock, difficult breathing, or a sudden drop in blood pressure. Anaphylactic reactions are most common in people with severe food allergies or allergies to bee stings, and in most people it is obvious that anaphylaxis 

Frugality in the Engagement: Stationery Edition

Frugality in the Engagement: Stationery Edition




Once the flutters in your tummy have calmed down a little since he proposed (which, let’s face it, they never really do!), you may start worrying about the daunting task ahead of you and how much money it’s going to involve. Don’t be overwhelmed, though, because there are many ways to save on wedding expenses, and stationery is the perfect place to start!

1.     Simplicity

We all love fancy extras like envelope liners, ribbons, and tissue paper, but when applied to 300 invitations, these small accessories can eat into your budget very quickly! Keep it simple and print one card with a whole 6 3/8 by 8 7/8 inch canvas for your creativity to go wild on.

2.    Utilize Technology!

Think you need to include maps or directions for your wedding location in each invitation? Think again! The wonderful gift of GPS allows your guests to search for any address, anywhere. If you’re still apprehensive, post directions on your custom (free!) wedding blog that most wedding planning websites allow you to create.

3.     Save the Save-the-Dates

Save-the-dates are cute, but when you’re tight on money, the truth is they’re just a super-cute photo that you’re sending everyone to advertise how precious you and your significant other are. All that information and cuteness will be reproduced on your wedding invitation, making the original save-the-date a little redundant. Besides, by using social media or your previously mentioned, totally adorable wedding blog, you can “save the date” with every post acting as a reminder, photo op, and update on you and your big day!

2unnamed4.     Go Full Custom

You’re engaged! The first big thing to do: pick out invitations. The first gigantic stressful thing to do: pick out invitations. It’s not matching your colors, the fonts are weird, the design is too fancy or too plain, the format is all wrong—what to do?! The answer is three letters: D. I. Y. Do it yourself! It sounds frightening, but don’t be alarmed. Premade, blank wedding invitations can be picked up at Michael’s for around $25 a box. You can then print your invitations at home or at a print shop. If you take them to a print shop, printing in black ink can easily your costs in half!

Here is a list of 72 free printable wedding invitations from Popsugar.

5.     COUPONS!

However you choose to purchase or create your wedding invitations, coupons can ALWAYS be huge cost reducers! Wedding magazines and websites like The Knot, Ann’s Bridal Bargains, Zazzle, and Wedding Paper Divas always have deals going on. Online promotions at craft stores are also worth looking at.

Realistically, your wedding invitations are just a piece of paper. A very important, memorable, sentimental piece of paper. So don’t stress about them! Have some fun and let your imagination run free!

—Miray Weeks, Editor, Stance

One Paycheck Away?

One Paycheck Away?

Financial worries are one of the biggest causes of stress and difficulty for families today. One researcher in 2013 found that the top indicator of future divorce for a couple was if they argued about money, especially early in their relationship. Even more recently, an 

A Short Life Lesson from a Short Scripture

A Short Life Lesson from a Short Scripture

My husband and I made the big decision to take on a new and major responsibility–taking care of a new life. We are starting our family and expecting a little boy in February. This new chapter in our lives has been a constant thrill of 

Happy Oktoberfest!

Happy Oktoberfest!

5683100189_897bef1d33What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Oktoberfest? If you thought of a man sporting lederhosen while drinking a mug of beer, I’m right there with you.

However, Oktoberfest is more than that and can be celebrated in a family-friendly way.

What started as a royal wedding jubilee in 1810 has now turned into an international festival of German food and culture.


Try this German potato salad recipe for your family’s Oktoberfest celebration!

3 cups diced peeled potatoes
4 slices bacon
1 small onion, diced
1/4 cup white vinegar
2 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

Boil the potatoes. Then drain and set aside to cool.

Fry the bacon until browned and crisp. Remove from pan and set aside.

Add the onion to the bacon grease and cook over medium heat until caramelized.
Add the rest of the ingredients except the parsley. Bring to a boil and then add the
potatoes and parsley.

Sprinkle in half of the bacon. Heat the salad through and then transfer to a serving
dish. Sprinkle the rest of the bacon on top and serve warm.

This recipe was originally found at

—Lynne Crandall, Senior Designer, Stance

Provo Canyon Trail

Provo Canyon Trail

One of the best-kept secrets of Provo is the beautiful canyon trail that runs all the way down the canyon. In any one of the given parks off of University Avenue (which leads into the canyon), there is access to this trail, which extends all