
First Aid Friday: CPR 101

First Aid Friday: CPR 101

Earlier this year, I conducted a survey in Utah Valley that tested many individuals’ understanding of First-Aid. One of the most frequently missed questions was, “When performing CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation), how many chest compressions are done per minute?” After missing this question, the surveyees responses 

4 Steps For Preserving Family History

4 Steps For Preserving Family History

Every so often an event happens that puts everything into perspective. All those stressors—education, family, careers, and hundreds of other things—become hushed and fade into the background. Just a couple weeks ago, my family found out that my great aunt, who we love and adore, 

Sign the Petition: Represent Women on BYU Campus

Sign the Petition: Represent Women on BYU Campus

Sign the petition. Join the cause. Represent Women on BYU Campus!

To sign the petition, go to this link below:

Why should you sign?

This cause is the result of two intersecting realities.

  1. The time has come for a prominent campus building to be named after a woman. Take a look at BYU’s campus map. Our buildings serve as monuments to LDS leaders: prophets, businessmen, scholars, scientists, and pioneers of every kind. We honor their legacies in stone.
    Unfortunately, only two buildings are named after women: The Caroline Hemengway Harman Building and Amanda Knight Hall. If neither of these places sound familiar to you, you’re not alone.
    The Harman Building houses BYU’s continuing education program. The vast majority of BYU graduates (in fact, nearly all of them) never pass through its doors. Amanda Knight Hall, a former women’s dormitory, served as a language training center prior to the construction of the MTC. Since 1999, it has “temporarily housed several academic groups during construction and remodeling of various campus buildings”. In everyday parlance: A really nice storage unit.
  2. The second reality at hand is the need for more women in STEM fields. A 2011 report by the Department of Commerce found gaping gender disparity in STEM majors, and even then, women with STEM degrees are less likely to work in related occupations than their male counterparts. Ultimately, only 25% of STEM jobs and 7.5% of patents are held by women.
    We can support women in STEM by honoring those who paved the way. Research conducted at BYU has emphasized the importance of role models vis-à-vis women and STEM: Women whose mothers majored in STEM were 83% more likely to major in STEM themselves (regardless of whether their mother made a career of it).


While there are many Mormon women whose names and legacies deserve honoring, we have a created a shortlist of four: Martha Hughes Cannon, Ellis Reynolds Shipp, Romania B. Pratt Penrose, and Jane Manning James.

The first three women were STEM pioneers during the 19th century, yet not every campus building is named for someone noteworthy within that building’s purview (Harold B. Lee, for example, was not a  librarian, nor was J. Williard Marriott a basketball player). In light of that, the fourth woman on our shortlist is Jane Manning James, a prominent black pioneer in early Church history.

Martha, Ellis, Romania, and Jane are just four of many, many Mormon women whose stories are crying out from the dust. Let’s honor a foremother.

Let’s honor a role model. Let’s give the Life Science Building a proper name.

Mormons + Equal Marriage: Right and Left Perspectives

Mormons + Equal Marriage: Right and Left Perspectives

Introduction Last week, the Supreme Court decided to not make a decision. Essentially, the Supreme Court lets state rulings allowing same-sex marriage to stand. Therefore, this decision strikes down bans of same-sex marriage in other states. (Read more here.) Robert Barns explains, “The decision is likely to expand 

Halloween: Creating your own Traditions

Halloween: Creating your own Traditions

I love all the excitement that surrounds the Halloween season, but now that I’ve gotten older and left the world of trick-or-treating behind, I sometimes have trouble thinking of ways to celebrate this fun holiday. It is never too late to start a family tradition 

No Fail Pie Crust! (no foolin’)

No Fail Pie Crust! (no foolin’)


2 ½ C. flour

1 C. shortening

¼ tsp. salt

1 beaten egg

¼ C. warm water

1 Tbsp. vinegar


Crumble together flour, shortening, and salt (preferably with a pastry cutter). Add egg, water, and vinegar and combine. DO NOT OVER HANDLE. Combine only until ingredients form a cohesive ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and let dough rest for half an hour. Roll out on floured counter and place in pie plate. Fill with deliciousness.

Makes two 9 inch pie crusts.

*A note from the contributor: Pie crust is tricky. I got this recipe from my grandma and it’s relatively no-fuss and results in perfect, flaky crust every single time.

By: Becca Barrus, Creative Director

Wedding Wednesday: Meet Bryn

Wedding Wednesday: Meet Bryn

My name is Bryn Adams. I am currently a junior at BYU, and…I just got ENGAGED!   While being engaged has probably been one of the most exciting times in my life, it has also been the most stressful. Being a full-time student and planning 

How to Write an Abstract

How to Write an Abstract

Here at Stance: Studies on the Family, we love receiving work from students and reading their ideas! However, part of the requirements for the submission process is writing an abstract. In order for a student’s work to be considered for our student journal, a student must include an 

Post Schedule for Fall Semester 2014

Post Schedule for Fall Semester 2014

This semester, the staff of Stance wants to provide helpful, uplifting, and interesting posts for our readers regularly. Thus, we have the post schedule. It is as follows:

Monday: Freestyle post. That is, our staff submits a post on a topic of their choosing.

Wednesday (every other week): Wedding Wednesday post.

Thursday: Recipe or DIY post.

Friday (every other week): First Aid Friday post.

Check the blog or our social media on each of these days to see the new postings. We will always keep them updated!

Have any topics you’d wish to see? Comment below!  Even better, if you have a great family-related topic you’ve written on, submit your writing to Stance by this Friday at midnight to be published (see the Submission Guidelines tab for details)!

Missouri Storm

Missouri Storm

A sweltering hot summer’s day Clouds gather like a funeral procession And let down their tears Earth is cleansed as pelting sheets of drops flood empty streets Empty but for one bare-footed stranger Soaked to the bone Dancing with delight in the drenching downpour The