
Wedding Wednesday: Kid Questions

Wedding Wednesday: Kid Questions

The excitement is building; I am officially counting down the days now. In a little over two weeks my fiancée and I are getting married in the Salt Lake Temple! He feels like it’s not coming soon enough, I feel like the time is whizzing 

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Now that you are all rested and full from Thanksgiving, what are you  going to do with all those leftovers? Here are some ideas . . .  

Sabbath Day Message: He is the Gift

Sabbath Day Message: He is the Gift

What are you Thankful for?

What are you Thankful for?

This time of year it can seem almost cheesy to express gratitude, however there is a good reason this holiday is all about giving thanks. Happiness cannot be achieved through the acquisition of temporal desires and “keeping up with the Jones’.” True happiness comes only 

Brownie Cake

Brownie Cake

The season for delicious goodness has finally arrived, and I am sure we are all anxious to indulge.  I’m still on a family history kick, so I couldn’t help but post a family recipe from my dear great aunt who is fighting a brain tumor 

Wedding Wednesday: To Register or Not to Register?

Wedding Wednesday: To Register or Not to Register?

The time just keeps flying by. I can’t believe it, but only a month from today I will be getting married! We have gotten a lot more wedding things done which is a huge relief. Just last week my fiancée and I sent out a majority of our invitations. Along with our invitations we had an insert card that said that we were registered at Target.

target couple
Image from here

So, last week we also went and registered at Target. I feel like today, registering at places like Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, or Kohl’s has become common for bridal showers or weddings. Way back when (your parents can probably remember) no one registered and often times just asked for money. In a way I wish it were more like that today, because really all a new married couple needs is money, but it is seen as tacky asking for it nowadays. I would like to share my experience registering for Target and the pros and cons that happened and it might help you decide whether or not registering is for you.

To begin, registering was tiring. It might sound like a lot of fun running around a department store with a scanner gun, pointing at things on the shelves. I won’t lie; it was fun at the beginning, but eventually all our energy got sucked out of us. Walking around a big store like Target can get tiring and annoying, especially when you can’t find the aisle you need. Eventually it became a chore trying to find the barcode on each item to scan.

By the end, my body was tired from walking around so much and my scrawny pathetic arms were sore from holding the scanning gun, I just wanted to go home. It was fun at the beginning, but the phrase “shop till you drop” became more literal to me at that moment than ever before.

Secondly, we will most likely not get half of the things we registered for that night. I think I have only ever used a registry to buy someone a gift once in my life. It’s sad but true; probably more than half your guests won’t use your registry to find you a gift. Thankfully, you will still get things you need and there will be those people who will get you a gift card or just give you money. At this point in your life when you don’t have much, any gift is going to be of help. My dilemma was, however, if I probably won’t get 75% of the things I asked for on my registry was it even worth it? I would have been easier not to make one at all.


The last thing I learned on my registering adventure was actually a positive thing that might trump all the negativity of the situation. Going and registering made me more excited to be married to my best friend and it gave me a dose of reality. Making the list before the trip and deciding what we needed for our new lives together made me excited to have my own “home” (if you can call a college apartment home). I’m so excited to share a living space with my new companion and be able to decorate it how I want and have the items that I want. It also opened my eyes to what two people require to live comfortably and what may not necessarily be needed for a comfortable and humble beginning. It was an enlightening experience that will most definitely help us in the future.

Image from here
Image from here

I still haven’t decided whether or not having a registry was worth it. Maybe I will make up my mind after opening the presents and seeing what we got and what we still need. It still was an interesting experience and something I’m not sure I would want to pass up, but I leave it to you to decide.

By Bryn Adams

Family: Staying Connected

Family: Staying Connected

Whenever I take my friends home to visit my family, one of the first responses I get is that of surprise, usually followed by the words, “Your family is really close!” To that statement, I whole-heartedly agree! I am the second youngest of six children, 

Pinterest Win: Hearty Chicken Stew with Butternut Squash and Quinoa

Pinterest Win: Hearty Chicken Stew with Butternut Squash and Quinoa

This is a recipe I’ve seen pinned fairly often, and to be honest, the main reason I want to share it with you is because it is DELICIOUS. It’s perfect for fall (and pretty much any other time) and the ingredients aren’t too crazy. The 

4 Tips to Stress Less

4 Tips to Stress Less

Serving a Mission

I recently returned home from a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. On a mission, one is constantly on the go. There is always something that can or should be done, and there are always people to see or things to study. As I was coming home and trying to get back into the swing of things, I half expected the transition to be easier. I mean how much harder can it be? It’s actually a lot harder than I expected.

The Article

In a recent article by Chisanga Mukuka entitled “How to Stress Less and Love More,” I found a few helpful reminders of how to lower my stress levels and enjoy my life. These tips are all things I learned while serving a mission, so if you have served a mission, you will find these tips familiar. If you have not, you will find these tips just as helpful. No matter your life experiences, I hope you will be able to apply these simple things in your life to help avoid stressing and improve living.

image from here

 4 Tips to Stress Less

  1. Plan. Make an outline of things you need to do for the day, things you would like to do for the day and a few back up plans. Remember to prioritize them because there simply are things that must get done.

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  2. Exercise. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you are active and enjoying it.

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  3. Serve. Look outside of yourself and your problems. Even if you are only able to do little things here and there, do things to help those around you.

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  4. Meditate and breathe. Life really is busy and goes by quickly. It will fly by even faster unless you take the time to appreciate it. Set aside at least five minutes each day to relax, reflect and be grateful for what you have.

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Remember, enjoy your life and help others enjoy theirs. Life is a gift; don’t waste it.

Interstellar Movie Review

Interstellar Movie Review

Introduction Interstellar, Christopher Nolan’s newest film starring Anne Hathaway, Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine, is a film fundamentally about family. Sure, it’s a sprawling science-fiction epic about the survival of humanity that transcends space and time, but at its core, Interstellar is about